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Complaints Procedure


The Rosebery Wellbeing Centre is committed to maintaining a strong partnership with our hirers, building users and members of the local community.

We are open to feedback and comments about our work, both positive and negative as these can provide us with valuable information about our effectiveness and how we can better meet our aims.

If any user of the Centre or member of the local community is unhappy about the standard of service provided, the quality of the facilities within the Centre, the safety of users, the handling of a particular situation or issue or any other matter we would seek to rectify this.

We are committed to equal opportunities and we take complaints about discrimination very seriously. Our complaints procedure has been adopted to ensure that most complaints are resolved quickly and smoothly.

Our policy is intended to:

  • Provide a transparent and fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for all
  • Publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make their views known
  • Ensure that everyone involved in management of the Centre knows what to do when a complaint is received
  • Ensure all complaints are investigated in a fair and timely manner
  • Ensure that wherever possible complaints are resolved quickly, preserving our valuable relationships with stakeholders so that all our customers and the community benefit
  • Gather information to help us improve on what we do and how we do it

Definition of a complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction whether justified or not, about the Rosebery Wellbeing Centre. All complaints should be raised within 3 months or, in exceptional circumstances 6 months from any incident or issue.

Where and How Complaints are Received

Complaints may come from members of the public or persons and organisations using the centre, local residents, suppliers or their representatives. A complaint can be received verbally, face to face or by phone, by email or letter.


All complaints will be handled sensitively and confidentially and in accordance with data protection requirements. CCMG LTD will not discriminate in any way in their handling of complaints.

Anyone receiving a complaint should be respectful and calm taking the time to properly listen and understand your complaint. We may ask for more detail in order clarify circumstances or context.

Once we have listened to a complaint we will repeat it back to ensure there is a shared understanding of the issue. We will also ensure that we ask what resolution would be acceptable from the complainant's perspective.


Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the directors of CCMG LTD. CCMG LTD aims to acknowledge complaints within 7 days and to give a written response within 2 weeks. If the complaint is judged to involve complex issues, complainants will be informed of progress within 2 weeks and informed when to expect a final response. The main aim is to resolve complaints as quickly as possible and to everyone's satisfaction.

Procedure for handling complaints

What to do if something goes wrong – step 1 informal

Informal complaints should be raised to Paul Hanlon (Managing Director). The relevant contact details can be found on the contact section of our website. Complainants who remain dissatisfied have the option to escalate their complaint to a formal status

If we can't address your concerns right away – step 2 formal

Sometimes even prompt action can't put right something that you may be dissatisfied about. In those cases, please put your concerns in writing via email to Paul Hanlon (Managing Director) making clear all the relevant facts in relation to your complaint including your name, address and telephone number (or email).

In responding to your complaint we will share with you in writing what action we have taken, the appropriate conclusions from any investigations and the resulting actions in conclusion. CCMG LTD will receive and discuss any complaints at Board Meetings to ensure that a fair and balanced approach is taken to all issues arising.